Monday, June 2, 2014


Duty calls you to change the world around you
I know
You hate to see it crushed
Spew venom poisonous than that of the black legless creature
When hope that held the strength of the young lad is dashed

I know deep down my heart
That you hate to see those you honour
Green with greed as they devour what nature and selfless ancestors for an inheritance.
Smashed the head defenseless, left naked butts to seek shelter and children ran helter-skelter
Skeletons of their destruction; potholed journey path too dangerous to journey

Duty calls you to change the world around you

Our school graduates shame the holders of the chalk and managers.
Death houses painted in colours beautiful
Ghosts haunting the lives of those who hold the keys to our safe.

We must rise with strength of an eagle to build for ourselves and for those yet unborn
I know you know its time to change the world around you
Duty calls, answer.